Monthly Archives: July 2007

New Blog on Idea Management Systems

I’ve created a new blog on Idea Management Systems, and am moving my content / posting on Idea Management Systems over there. The blog is at If you have any news or suggestions for new content on idea Management Systems, please leave a comment on the blog!

Japanese Innovation: Kaizen and Kakushin

The CEO of Toyota, Katsuaki Watanabe, was recently interviewed and written up in an article in the Wall Street Journal . Watanabe was also recently interviewed in the July-August edition of the Harvard Business Review. In the interviews, Watanabe talks about radical innovation: he describes the idea of building a dream car that cleans the…

Another Video on Open Space

A day of Open Space workshop interaction condensed into 30 seconds:

A Nice Video Presentation on Open Space

TransitionTowns has produced a nice little video on Open Space methodologies for organisational change: Thanks to Holger Nauheimer for putting me on to this.

The 4 P’s of Organisational Change

Luc Gallopin has posted a nice article about the 4 P’s of organisational change.In the model, people need a burning platform to push themselves to start changing, the organisation needs a plan and a method to monitor progress, and a clear vision must be provided of where people are going and what the new future…

How To Action Your To-Do List

The ZenHabits blog has a great post on how to do the things on your to-do list. The article covers advice on dealing with resistance, fear of success or failure, dealing with overload, and what to do when you make a list one day and never feel like doing it the next (‘that was yesterday’s…

Tom Peters on Seth Godin on Thinking Differently

Tom Peters, author of “In Search of Excellence,” uses Seth Godin’s writing to argue that “you can’t be remarkable by just following remarkable people.”I think that there is an element of truth in that. Benchmarking can bring you up to best practices, but it may not move you beyond them. But I disagree with Peters…

Quote – Ancient Chinese Proverb

“Tell me, I forgetShow me, I remember,Involve me, I understand” – Ancient Chinese proverb

Quote – Stern on Organisational Innovation

“The great majority of businesses are underperforming precisely because their most important intangible assets — the ideas and creativity of their knowledge workers — are unwittingly suppressed by the way in which these businesses are set up to operate.” – Stefan Stern, reviewing Mobilizing Minds

The Harvard Business Review on the 6 Stages of Idea Management Systems

The June Issue of The Harvard Business Review had a nice article on Idea Management Systems, which the authors, Morten Hansen and Julian Birkinshaw, called “innovation value chains.” In Hansen and Birkinshaw’s model, the innovation value chain consists of stages of Idea Generation Conversion Diffusion or more explicitly, stages of In-house idea creation Cross-pollination of…