Monthly Archives: August 2007

Specialists and Generalists

Dave Gray from XPlane Communications has uploaded a nice little graphic on “Specialists vs. Generalists” to the Communication Nation blog: Generalists cover more range across the territory, specialists go into more depth in particular sections of the territory. This characterisation of generalists vs. specialists will probably in itself not be news to anyone – although…

People Who Become Wealthy Think Differently

J.D., reviewing Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker in his Get Rich Slowly blog, argues that people who become wealthy think differently to the average pundit in 17 specific ways: Rich people believe: “I create my life.” Poor people believe: “Life happens to me.” Rich people play the money game to win….

Change Management as a Core Competency for Sustainable Business Performance

The August edition of “Talking Business” in Qantas Airlines’ in-flight radio station QRadio has an interview with the author of “The First XI: Winning Organisations in Australia,” by Graeme Cocks of the Melbourne Business School at the University of Melbourne. The interview makes the point that change management – ability to execute effectively – is…

Thinking Differently at ANZ Bank

ANZ Bank has been on a 7 year journey to transform their culture and mindset, according to the Australian Institute of Management. The process started with employees being asked to select 10 values that best described the current ANZ culture, and their own top 10 personal values. According to Siobhan McHale, Head of Breakout and…

Quote – Ann Hermann-Nehdi on Mental Assets

“A wide range of organisations across different sectors are beginning to wake up to the fact that a big part of their asset is truly the mental asset residing within.” – Ann Hermann-Nehdi of Hermann International

Scenario Planning as a Tool for Thinking Differently about Innovation

Robert Cooper, in his book Winning at New Products: Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch, described what he saw as “the greatest business mistake in history”: In 1980, IBM developed its view of the future of the PC. IBM studied the potential market and predicted that 275,000 PCs would be in use by 1990….

Quote – Collis on Innovation

“Ideas and Innovation are the currency of today” – Jack Collis in Innovate or Die: Business Thinking Outside The Square

Update Your Links!

Think Differently!! has moved domains, to Please update your links to the site accordingly!

McKinsey on Strategy – Interview with Richard Rumelt

The McKinsey Quarterly recently published an interview with Richard Rumelt on corporate strategy. Rumelt argued that companies become successful either through innovation, or through finding an emerging trend in the market and exploiting it earlier and more successfully than others. In Rumelt’s words: Take, for example, a rapidly growing retail chain, which needs a plan…

Google on Innovation

Marissa Mayer is Vice President of Search Products and User Experience at Google. John Hunter from the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog dropped by Think Differently!! and left a comment alerting me to the fact that Mayer gave a talk on innovation at Google at her alma mater, Stanford University – and the talk has…