Monthly Archives: February 2009

The IDEO Design Process – an ABC Nightlne Special Report

In July 1999, The ABC Nightline program in the USA aired a special episode on the design firm IDEO. The episode challenged IDEO to design a new and better shopping cart over 5 days, and then followed the team as they designed the new cart. The episode became a classic for Nightline, and has been…

Brainstorming in the 21st Century

I will be speaking on March 11th in Sydney, Australia at the Hargaves Institute Innovation 2009 conference on the topic “Brainstorming in the 21st Century.”In the talk, I will be looking at the differences between what Brainstorming was when Alex Osborn invented it in the 1950s and how Brainstorming is practiced now, I will review…

How To Be More Creative

I’ll be participating in the Beyond The Bottom Line conference on the 26th and 27th of February 2009. On the 27th, I’ll be leading a panel discussion on creativity, and running a workshop session on the 5 phases of creative insight. I’ll demonstrate practical techniques for how to generate more creative ideas on a daily…