Performing Under Pressure with the Business Olympian
Olympic athletes need to perform under pressure, and so do business people. Gavin Freeman, the Business Olympian, is a former Olympic elite sports psychologist who is now making the connection between olympic sport psychology and elite performance in business. Gavin delivered a workshop today for the VPS CIN to a group of 24 people on…
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Making Magic Moments with Lou Heckler
It’s always a great pleasure to hear a master story teller at work, and it’s even more so when the master story teller is telling stories to help you understand his craft. This week the National Speakers Association Australia brought out international speaker and speaking coach Lou Heckler to speak to speakers about the craft of speaking…
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Action: why we MUST tackle global warming, NOW!
This is a quick post on the greatest issue facing our generation. I think it is, and has been from the outset, obvious to blind Freddy that the only sensible way to look at global warming is from a risk management perspective. That is: if global warming is real and caused by humans and we…
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