Monthly Archives: July 2009

Story Telling Conference

Andrew Rixon of Babelfish is organising a conference on organisational storytelling in Melbourne, Australia on October 8th and 9th 2009. Storytelling is a powerful mechanism for tapping into culture, emotion and archetypes within an organisation and is extremely relevant to managing change, exercising leadership, and managing relationships with internal and external stakeholders.  The conference brings…

Scenario Planning for our Planet’s Future

Consider this. It’s 1,000 years in the future. How many people are on the planet? How much of our natural resources (metals, oil, forests) are left? Take oil as just one example. Oil is not used just for gasoline to power cars – only around 7% by volume of oil is used for transport. The…

The Ten Roads to Riches

I have recently been reading Ken Fisher’s book The Ten Roads to Riches and enjoying and learning a thing or two from it.  Ken should know a thing or two about riches: as founder and chairman of Fisher Investments, he manages around $45 Billion of other people’s assets – and gets to talk to a lot…