Monthly Archives: October 2009

Think Quick

Many people in the organisational development community in Melbourne, Australia will know Frank Connolly from his excellent work as coordinator for the Victorian Public Sector Continuous Improvement Network (VPS CIN) over the last several years. Frank has started a new initiative, and central to these efforts is his new Think Quick blog. Good luck Frank…

Rethinking Economics

As someone who received his Ph.D from an Economics Department (but who in no way considers himself an economist!), I continue to watch with interest how the recent Global Financial Crisis is continuing to cause a rethink of the economics profession. A major focus of current interest was one of the subjects of my thesis:…

Organisational Fairy Tales

I was recently given a review copy of Andrew Rixon’s new book, Opening Up: Creative Storytelling at Work. Andrew is an expert in applying complexity theory and storytelling within organisations to facilitate consensus and change. One of the intriguing contributions of this book is Andrew’s idea of organisational fairy tales. By constructing a fairy tale…

Snorklers and Divers

I was speaking with Experiential Marketing expert and consultant Justine Haddrick recently regarding the idea of scanners vs. deep divers. Justine mentioned that in their work responding to requests for information from clients, Justine and her team had developed a convention of asking whether someone requesting work was a snorkler – someone looking for an…

Sean Richardson on the 10% Rule

I was speaking with sports psychologist and high performance coach Sean Richardson today about the 10% rule. Sean is an expert in sustaining physical and mental well being while performing at peak levels. Sean mentioned the additional dimension that there is a phenomenon in sports psychology called periodisation – athletes can sustain peak workloads for…

The 10% Rule

I was talking to Andrew O’Brien, director of Organisations That Matter recently at an event about how he and his partner ran 8 marathon races together in 8 countries in 8 weeks earlier this year. That’s a pretty impressive effort in itself. It turned out afterwards that he had run the last 6 marathons with…