Monthly Archives: February 2010

Faulty Thinking On Australia’s Climate Change Response

Sometimes you have two choices in front of you which give you no choice at all. This is the case in Australia, where the two major political parties have debated policy positions and draft legislation for addressing climate change. On the one hand, there is the Labor Party, who have adopted the positioning of being…

20 Years To Becoming An Overnight Success

I think by now most people with access to a TV or the internet have seen the ‘overnight success’ of Susan Boyle from Britain’s Got Talent when she entered the competition with a performance of “I Dreamed A Dream” from Les Miserables. For those who haven’t seen it, the video of the performance is available on…

Seth Godin’s New Killer iPad Application

Seth Godin believes he has designed a killer iPad application: a nonlinear multimedia presentation and collaboration application. Well, almost. He has specified what he wants it to do, and has challenged entrepreneurs to go out and build it. Here’s his concept overview: “It’s a collection of pages (slides, images, type, let’s call them pages) that…

29 Decisions To Make When Building and Operating Your Blog

ProBlogger recently posted an article listing 29 debates within the blogging community – 29 topic areas where there are different schools of thought in the blogging community regarding best practices when starting and running a blog. For anyone starting or operating a blog, this is a great list to see where you and your blog…

Prediction: The New Apple 24" Desktop iPad!

I have a prediction for one piece of new Apple technology over the next 2 year period: “following the success of the iPad when the apps come on board, Apple will design and release a desktop sized version of the iPad with around a 20″ or 24” screen that is fully touch sensitive as well…

Technology Industry Analysts: The iPad WILL Be A Hit

A few posts back I suggested that the iPad will be a hit when 3rd party software developers develop game changing apps for the iPad, and enough distributors content comes online through the iPad. Read Write Web recently posted a round up of technology analysts predictions for the iPad, where the analysts have come to…

Game Changing Software Applications On the iPad?

Chuck Frey of the Mind Mapping Software Blog has been following developments in the mind mapping software space, including how mind mapping software developers are responding to opportunities around the iPad. One example of the excitement is iPhone mind mapping software developer Craig Scott of iThoughts. Craig suggests mind mapping software on the iPad may…

Thinking Differently About Running

Some recent research has indicated that running without shoes may be better for our health, as we then adopt a lower-impact running style and also because the human body evolved to be used to running without shoes and so it is a more natural running style. However, transitioning from running as we do now to…