Monthly Archives: April 2010

Exercise: Your Ideal Life

Internet Marketer Frank Kern recounts an interesting exercise where he ‘thought differently’ by figuring out what his ideal life would look like – and how his life transformed as a result! Here Frank runs through the results of the exercise for him: And here Frank runs through how to perform the exercise yourself: You can…

What’s Your New Job?

Bud Caddell also developed a diagram for thinking about how you can contribute to working in an intelligent organisation: Bud suggests your job is and should be to commandeer one of these circles and make yourself indispensable. Conversely, if you are an executive or manager, who is fulfilling these roles for you in your organisation?

How to Be a Happy Entrepreneur

Bud Cadell posted a great diagram a little while back for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners think about how to find a great niche and be happy and successful at what they do: It’s an extension of the Jim Collins Good to Great Venn diagram model of the three intersecting circles of Passion, Market opportunity…