Someone Is Reverse Engineering Your Facebook Profile Marketing Information

I’m in a Mastermind Group with Tommy Walker, an online marketing strategist who has a deep specialty interest in Facebook profile marketing. Consequently, I’ve been hearing some inside information about what he’s been developing and getting ready to share. I think it’s very powerful and leading edge – I haven’t heard anyone else talking about this material. I’m going to give you a quick overview.

Here’s what happens.

  1. Facebook takes your profile details when you sign up to Facebook and enter your profile information. Behind the scenes, Facebook has an engine that crunches and analyses those details so that it can match Facebook advertisements to each individual user profile. 
  2. What Tommy then does is apply a strategy he’s developed. First, he runs a Facebook advertising campaign. Facebook matches the advertisement with an appropriate Facebook demographic of people who are likely to be interested in the advertisements (they want to match advertisements with people who are really interested in the topic or offer so people buy more), and presents the advertisement to them in a sidebar. 
  3. When the campaign finishes, Tommy then uses the Facebook engine to analyse or ‘reverse engineer’ the demographic and psychographic of the audience that Facebook has matched to the advertisement, to deliver clarity around the characteristics – the interests and dispositions of that group the advertisement was delivered to. Facebook yields powerful intelligence regarding the market demographic. This is delivered by the same engine that matches advertisements to the people likely to be interested in them.
  4. This yields detailed information about the target audience that Tommy has learned how to analyse and synthesise, which can then be used to refine the marketing message and repeat the process.

In addition to running the marketing campaign, Tommy has found that Facebook is uniquely positioned to help you understand your target audience in a deeper and more detailed way.

If you have a product or service you or your organisation are marketing, this approach can be an invaluable way to gain a better understanding of your market. If you understand them better, you can serve them better.

Tommy is writing about this strategy on his blog, and is currently developing his online Facebook marketing training product Mind Hacking. If you are marketing or selling something, sign up to his email list (from his blog page) to hear more.

4 Responses to Someone Is Reverse Engineering Your Facebook Profile Marketing Information
  1. mimibuildwealth
    September 23, 2010 | 11:45 AM

    This is fascinating. How does Tommy access the Facebook engineering after the ads run?

  2. Dr. Lauchlan A. K. Mackinnon
    September 23, 2010 | 12:19 PM

    Hello Mimi

    Great to see you here!

    In answer to your question, Tommy uses the standard information Facebook provides to advertisers which contains the Facebook engine's analysis, and then uses a proprietary method for analysing it and synthesising it into meaningful marketing insights. I've emailed you some details that I'm sure Tommy would be happy for me to share with you.



  3. Dilan
    September 27, 2010 | 5:47 AM

    This sounds really interesting… I think I already wanna buy!

  4. Dr. Lauchlan A. K. Mackinnon
    September 27, 2010 | 8:31 AM

    Yep, I think this is pretty interesting territory for marketers. 🙂

    Tommy has just released his free report on his website talking about how he went from 0 to 23,000 fans on a client's Facebook fan page in a short period of time – on his first effort with Facebook marketing.



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