Tag Archive: agility

Tim Ferris – 4 Hour Workweek Success Stories

Tim Ferris showcases on his blog 15 successful examples of life design from people following the principles in his book. Here’s an example Click here to view video

Snorklers and Divers

I was speaking with Experiential Marketing expert and consultant Justine Haddrick recently regarding the idea of scanners vs. deep divers. Justine mentioned that in their work responding to requests for information from clients, Justine and her team had developed a convention of asking whether someone requesting work was a snorkler – someone looking for an…

Specialists and Generalists

Dave Gray from XPlane Communications has uploaded a nice little graphic on “Specialists vs. Generalists” to the Communication Nation blog: Generalists cover more range across the territory, specialists go into more depth in particular sections of the territory. This characterisation of generalists vs. specialists will probably in itself not be news to anyone – although…

Two Models for Starting Up a Company

I was browsing over at the Social Networking site LinkedIn.com (I’m at http://www.linkedin.com/in/lauchlanmackinnon) , and someone was asking about starting up a company. What do you do? The advice I give is: First, select one of the two following models – 1. A Startup. You have a business plan, a clear business model, and sufficient…