The third and final part of the ABC Nightline special episode on the design process at IDEO, viewable from YouTube, is embedded here:
The third and final part of the ABC Nightline special episode on the design process at IDEO, viewable from YouTube, is embedded here:
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In Part 2 of the ABC Nightline IDEO design process episode available on YouTube, the episode focuses on the brainstorming process at IDEO.
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In July 1999, The ABC Nightline program in the USA aired a special episode on the design firm IDEO. The episode challenged IDEO to design a new and better shopping cart over 5 days, and then followed the team as they designed the new cart. The episode became a classic for Nightline, and has been…
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I will be speaking on March 11th in Sydney, Australia at the Hargaves Institute Innovation 2009 conference on the topic “Brainstorming in the 21st Century.”In the talk, I will be looking at the differences between what Brainstorming was when Alex Osborn invented it in the 1950s and how Brainstorming is practiced now, I will review…
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In Adrian Furnham’s article “The Brainstorming Myth”, Furnham reviewed literature on Brainstorming over the last 50 years. Furnham argued that: The experimental evidence for brainstorming does not support the notion that face to face brainstorming sessions are as effective as they are claimed to be Online brainstorming tools (such as those found in Idea Management…
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Angela Hayden has made an interesting brainstorming poster available as a pdf file (free download). The intention is that the poster can be used for triggering or stimulating thoughts and ideas when thinking about future directions.
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One of the hottest approaches to creativity and innovation in business right now is the design approach. In the United States, D-schools (design schools) such as the Stanford Design School are springing up in competion with (or complementing) traditional B-schools (business schools). The basic idea of the design approach is to (i) understand the client…