Tag Archive: Idea Management Systems

New Blog on Idea Management Systems

I’ve created a new blog on Idea Management Systems, and am moving my content / posting on Idea Management Systems over there. The blog is at www.ideamanagementsystems.com. If you have any news or suggestions for new content on idea Management Systems, please leave a comment on the blog!

Quote – Stern on Organisational Innovation

“The great majority of businesses are underperforming precisely because their most important intangible assets — the ideas and creativity of their knowledge workers — are unwittingly suppressed by the way in which these businesses are set up to operate.” – Stefan Stern, reviewing Mobilizing Minds

The Harvard Business Review on the 6 Stages of Idea Management Systems

The June Issue of The Harvard Business Review had a nice article on Idea Management Systems, which the authors, Morten Hansen and Julian Birkinshaw, called “innovation value chains.” In Hansen and Birkinshaw’s model, the innovation value chain consists of stages of Idea Generation Conversion Diffusion or more explicitly, stages of In-house idea creation Cross-pollination of…

GROWTH as a Framework to Develop an Innovation Culture

Brad Cork of Improving People has developed an acronym called GROWTH to help people understand some of the elements of a culture that fosters innovation. It stands for: Great Ideas are encouraged Reward and recognition (Great ideas are rewarded appropriately) Onwards & Upwards (Creating a positive change culture) Work with change (The skill to manage…

What is an Idea Management System?

An Idea Management System is a structured and disciplined approach to managing innovation by putting in place systems and metrics to manage Idea Generation Idea Capture Idea Collaboration Idea Assessment Idea Implementation Idea Outcomes Monitoring An Idea Management System involves 5 components: A Front-End system to capture and develop ideas A Back-End system to define…

Idea Management Systems seminar – pdf now available for download

Recently I gave a talk on Idea Management Systems in capital cities across Australia for the Australian Computer Society. I am pleased to say that the pdf of the powerpoint presentation is now available from the Cognitive Transitions website at the following url: http://www.cognitive-transitions.com/acs/ims/IdeaPipelineACSMayJune2007pu.PDF. It will also be made available shortly through the ACS website….

Quote of The Week – Wycoff on Innovation Engines

“It’s relatively easy to develop the next new thing – once. It takes a completely different approach to develop a long-term innovation engine. It starts with a mindset that seems to be outside the norm in today’s business climate” Joyce Wycoff, blogging in 2005

Kaizen and Idea Management Systems

Previously, I talked about Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen and Idea Management systems, but I didn’t talk to a great extent about idea management in Kaizen. First some words about the history of Kaizen. In the Second World War, young US men who might otherwise have been employed in factories went off to fight in the…

Innovation Maturity and Idea Management Systems

In my recent post on Innovation Maturity Models, I mentioned that the Think for a Change website is hosting a matrix chart for innovation maturity levels. Looking at the chart, I am intrigued by how 5 of the 11 rows (Idea Capture, Idea Management, Training, Tools & Techniques, and Metrics) in the Think For a…

Venue and Time for Idea Management Seminar in Sydney

The venue and time for my seminar on Idea Management Systems in Sydney is: Mallesons,Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower,1 Farrer Place,Sydney Tuesday 29th May 2007 5:30pm for 6:05pm start – 8.30pm Free for ACS members, $55 for non-members. I look forward to seeing you there! The dates for the Brisbane and Darwin seminars are June…