Tag Archive: scenario planning

Scenario Planning for our Planet’s Future

Consider this. It’s 1,000 years in the future. How many people are on the planet? How much of our natural resources (metals, oil, forests) are left? Take oil as just one example. Oil is not used just for gasoline to power cars – only around 7% by volume of oil is used for transport. The…

Scenario Planning as a Tool for Thinking Differently about Innovation

Robert Cooper, in his book Winning at New Products: Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch, described what he saw as “the greatest business mistake in history”: In 1980, IBM developed its view of the future of the PC. IBM studied the potential market and predicted that 275,000 PCs would be in use by 1990….

Opportunity to Contribute to Scenario Planning Best Practice Guidelines

Standards Australia have launched a working group focused on Futures and Foresight which is planning to develop a publication providing a guideline for best practices in Scenario Planning. If you have professional experience facilitating Scenario Planning with organisations, or have a strong scholarly interest and grounding in the Scenario Planning literature, and would like to…

Quote – Schwartz on the Use of Scenario Planning to Shift Underlying Mental Models

Thinking through [scenario] stories, and talking in depth about their implications, brings each person’s unspoken assumptions about the future to the surface. Scenarios are thus the most powerful vehicles I know for challenging our “mental models” about the world and lifting the “blinders” that limit our creativity and resourcefulness. – Peter Schwartz, The Art of…

"Soft" Management Skills Acheive "Hard" Results

The Bain Consulting Management Tools Survey 2007 results have been published, and the results highlight the increasing importance of “soft” management skills in areas such as organisational culture, knowledge management, and innovation. Innovation is a continuing top priority Organisations are continuing to place emphasis on growth through innovation rather than relying on cost cutting to…