Exercise: Your Ideal Life

Internet Marketer Frank Kern recounts an interesting exercise where he ‘thought differently’ by figuring out what his ideal life would look like – and how his life transformed as a result!

Here Frank runs through the results of the exercise for him:

And here Frank runs through how to perform the exercise yourself:

You can get the full video here which contains some other information about internet marketing as well, but as Frank’s an Internet Marketer to get the full video you’ll need to opt in to his email list. You could always opt out later.

Unless you work out what you really want, it’s hard to get there. This is a really deep, valuable exercise.

3 Responses to Exercise: Your Ideal Life
  1. Argancel
    April 7, 2010 | 3:27 PM

    Hi. I was wondering : why you don't publish links to your blog posts inside your twitter account?

  2. Dr. Lauchlan A. K. Mackinnon
    April 7, 2010 | 3:33 PM

    Hi Argancel

    Great thought. I probably should, I have done in the past.

    Do you know a way to get Blogger to auto-tweet a headline and post link when I publish a new post?



  3. Dr. Lauchlan A. K. Mackinnon
    April 7, 2010 | 3:40 PM

    Also, the best way to get reliable updates of each post (that I know of) is to register in to the email list for the blog. Each post then gets automatically emailed to you.

    I'll try to keep up to date with twitter tweets as well though!



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