Guidance For a Balanced Mind – From The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was written about 2,500 years ago as a guide for people practicing Yoga as a path to enlightenment, and it has become the major guide for the serious student of Yoga as a spiritual practice. In sutra 1.33, Patanjali provided advice for practicing Yogis for how develop a balanced mind…
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Have you ever wondered whether men or women use the internet more, which age groups are using the internet most, how bloggers see themselves, or how our internet usage today compares with 5 years ago? This graphical report on the state of the internet gives us the answers, in an easy visual representation.
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I recently had the chance to meet Edward De Bono at a workshop run by Edward at the National Speaker’s Association Conference on the Gold Coast in Australia. Edward ran through his key ideas, including the historical legacy of the Greek philosophers’ ‘gang of three’, the use of Greek philosophical ideas and thinking styles by…
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