I was in a great mastermind session this morning, with a bunch of very bright people. As we do in mastermind sessions, we were going around the table and each talking about the challenges we face, and my question was: For a thought leadership business, that is, a business focused around speaking to conference audiences,…
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I’m sure by now you’ve seen the Old Spice commercials that have gone viral on the internet. If not, here is the one that went crazy after it was shown at the Superbowl: This thing just went mad, and has had over 17 million views on YouTube alone. The Old Spice Facebook Page has over…
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The Mystery of Mastermind Groups!
Mastermind groups are fantastic. I’m in two of them, and the opportunity to hang out with a fantastic group of bright, intelligent established or up and coming people from all around the world and bounce ideas off of them and help each other on a weekly or fortnightly basis is just invaluable. And it constantly…
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And Now For The Good News
Have you ever felt that television news is becoming more negative? I started to feel that way several years ago, and pretty much stopped watching the news. TV networks ‘love’ the bad news News stations love drama. They love to be reporting on some large and horrible event that happened, because it lends engages powerful…
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‘Minority Report’ Style User Interfaces on Every Computer – Within 5 Years?
Earlier, I predicted that the Apple iMac desktop computer will have a user interface that allows touch control of content – like the iPad – that takes advantage of amazing developments in touch interface technologies. John Underkoffler, the developer of the science fiction User Interface that Tom Cruise’s character dazzled us with in the movie Minority…
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Guidance For a Balanced Mind – From The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was written about 2,500 years ago as a guide for people practicing Yoga as a path to enlightenment, and it has become the major guide for the serious student of Yoga as a spiritual practice. In sutra 1.33, Patanjali provided advice for practicing Yogis for how develop a balanced mind…
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Have you ever wondered whether men or women use the internet more, which age groups are using the internet most, how bloggers see themselves, or how our internet usage today compares with 5 years ago? This graphical report on the state of the internet gives us the answers, in an easy visual representation.
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I recently had the chance to meet Edward De Bono at a workshop run by Edward at the National Speaker’s Association Conference on the Gold Coast in Australia. Edward ran through his key ideas, including the historical legacy of the Greek philosophers’ ‘gang of three’, the use of Greek philosophical ideas and thinking styles by…
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Internet Marketer Frank Kern recounts an interesting exercise where he ‘thought differently’ by figuring out what his ideal life would look like – and how his life transformed as a result! Here Frank runs through the results of the exercise for him: And here Frank runs through how to perform the exercise yourself: You can…
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What’s Your New Job?
Bud Caddell also developed a diagram for thinking about how you can contribute to working in an intelligent organisation: Bud suggests your job is and should be to commandeer one of these circles and make yourself indispensable. Conversely, if you are an executive or manager, who is fulfilling these roles for you in your organisation?
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