Tag Archive: Apple

What Can We Learn About Thinking Differently From Studying Apple’s 1997 ‘Think Different’ Advertising Campaign?

I decided recently that it’s time to get this blog focused a little more on … helping people think differently. So, I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about just what exactly it means to “think differently” (and I list 12 ways to think differently below).  The meaning of ‘think differently” is not as simple…

Prediction: The New Apple 24" Desktop iPad!

I have a prediction for one piece of new Apple technology over the next 2 year period: “following the success of the iPad when the apps come on board, Apple will design and release a desktop sized version of the iPad with around a 20″ or 24” screen that is fully touch sensitive as well…

Technology Industry Analysts: The iPad WILL Be A Hit

A few posts back I suggested that the iPad will be a hit when 3rd party software developers develop game changing apps for the iPad, and enough distributors content comes online through the iPad. Read Write Web recently posted a round up of technology analysts predictions for the iPad, where the analysts have come to…

Game Changing Software Applications On the iPad?

Chuck Frey of the Mind Mapping Software Blog has been following developments in the mind mapping software space, including how mind mapping software developers are responding to opportunities around the iPad. One example of the excitement is iPhone mind mapping software developer Craig Scott of iThoughts. Craig suggests mind mapping software on the iPad may…

Prediction: the iPad WILL BE a Game Changer – But Not Yet!

The iPad itself as a platform of hardware and software seemed a bit underwhelming at the launch. Is there a need for something between an iPhone and a 13″ MacBook pro, both of which work quite well? Is the predicted battery life of 10 hours enough, compared to say the Kindle’s eInk which can last…

The iPad Will Get Really Interesting When It Can Do This:

This is what I’m hoping the iPad can do soon! Then it will really be a game changer!

Are Apple Any Good at Design?

Apple are famous for their design. From the stylish iPod and iPhone through to the stylish iMac and MacBooks, elegant design runs through everything Apple does. So, it seems almost churlish to ask: are Apple good at design? But it’s worth asking anyway. I used to use Apple computers from the early days – one…