Tag Archive: speakers

Performing Under Pressure with the Business Olympian

Olympic athletes need to perform under pressure, and so do business people. Gavin Freeman, the Business Olympian, is a former Olympic elite sports psychologist who is now making the connection between olympic sport psychology and elite performance in business. Gavin delivered a workshop today for the VPS CIN to a group of 24 people on…

Making Magic Moments with Lou Heckler

It’s always a great pleasure to hear a master story teller at work, and it’s even more so when the master story teller is telling stories to help you understand his craft. This week the National Speakers Association Australia brought out international speaker and speaking coach Lou Heckler to speak to speakers about the craft of speaking…

Opera Singing Can Make You A Better Public Speaker!

I recently attended a session of the Melbourne Knowledge Management Leadership Forum. For variety, this evening’s session was a workshop by former opera singer turned corporate voice coach Louise Mahler of The Art of Business. I had some great experiences, and I learnt a bit about how I use my voice and how I can…

Al Gore Gives an Update to "An Inconvenient Truth"

At the recent 2008 TED talks, environmental campaigner Al Gore gave a 20 minute update to his powerpoint presentation “An Inconvenient Truth” and answered questions on his view of the treatment of the environment in the current US election. The talk refuted the argument that climate change is not related to activity by presenting relevant…